Thursday, August 6, 2009

The day

The day i feel most useless....


You know its the second day that you are treating me so cold. Perhaps today you really are busy with your assignments. I dunno what am I saying but I just dunno what else or where else I can turn to. Many people thing I'm a strong dominant creature. But deep inside, I'm actually very soft. You have been asking a lot questions like are my friends more important to you. I said you and you say you don mind me going out. But then,when I'm out and something happens, you say I'm not there for you. I'm a very dense person you know.I cant read minds. I seriously duno did anything go wrong especially when you try to be alright. When you say you're ok.. I believe you're ok... I said before, shouldn't we be really honest with each other??? if there is something bothering you.... cant you tell it to my face if im too stupid to see it myself... there is nothing i can do if u choose to shut your heart against me... all i can do is cry... When you turn a cold shoulder to me, whatever i do, turns foul. I loses my mood and my form. Whatever I play runs out of my usual performance. Its not your fault. Its mine for not knowing wat happened. But seriously I dunno when you would need me. I know I'm dumb.... DUMB!!! I dunno why but i think you think that i still like your sister. Seriously no... You said you are disappointed, bout what?? that i once treated your sister better than you?? I have no idea what I;m typing anymore... I'm not angry.. all I feel like... is to cry.....You said you feel like you're alone in the dark...I'm sorry... I realy dunno what u expect of me... what you of require me to be... AND THIS WILL BE THE LAST DAY IM GONNA HOLD UP THAT CUE...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sue Ean!!!

Its been quite some time since I last blogged isn't it. I actually forgotten my blog name thats why. haha.. how dumb is that. well... nvm its time for an update about life over here in Kampar...
Lets begin with the happy part =) Well, lets say how should I say it... the days of living in hell of remembrance of Tang Sue Li has ended but however now again I'm with another Tang. LOL!! haha... it had been troubling me for quite some months do I really like Sue Ean or not... But yea it turned out that.. I really do like her more than friends. I don't only care for her, I love her =)
Its pretty funny that she's actually the first girl that made me redder than a tomato for the first time in my life...
The first girl who watches series with me =)
First girl to have me cook one full meal for her =)
First girl that make me jump out of bed to fetch her =)
First girl who really make me wanna study for 4.0 =)
there are more actually but just cant think about it...
I dunno how shall i place it, but Tang Sue Ean you are part of my life now.. and I really mean it... no matter what it is, what storm it is, I'll be there with you. I may not be able to help you in many manners, but do lemme be there with you. DEE!! I LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wild World

Wild World

Now that I've lost everything to you

You say you want to start something new

And it's breaking my heart you're leaving

Baby I'm grieving

And if you wanna leave take good care

Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear

A lot of nice things turn bad out there

Oh baby, baby, it's a wild world

It's hard to get by just upon a smile

(yeah...) oh baby, it's a wild world

I'll always remember you like a child girl

You know I've seen a lot of

What the world can do

And it's breaking my heart in two

Coz I never want to see you sad girl

Don't be a bad girl

But if you wanna leave take good care

Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there

Just remember there's

A lot of bad and beware I love you.

I dunno why suddenly this song just crossed my mind so why not just post it down. Take care aite =)

Truth Hurts

There were many times that I kept thinking of myself how did it come to such an end and I have many times wondered what really happen. Well its not something new that I have come to know or had come to realize. Its something expected from the very beginning, but it just sucks to hear the truth out that hoping that its not. Everything came to an end simply because of the repetition of an act. A text message. And where that messages came from? My hand, my mind and my phone. So it ended because of me? Yea, makes sense.
Well, not like there are people who checks this blog out so I could actually just write how I really feel about it. First of all, I think I'm the one who should be the one saying sorry since it has to come to an end like this. I have always believed that if someone chooses to leave their partner/bf/gf/soulmate or whatever it is called, its simply because the other half just isn't good enough. Sorry for being imperfect, not like I can help it. Sorry to had irritated you and never thought that it could just spoil your vacation just like that. Sorry.
Hearing it out today makes me ponder more that it is not the first person saying that it is a possibility that I text (you) too often. I really dunno anymore how do you actually felt, (I agree with Irene that love is not a feeling, its more than that) but to me, you meant the world to be all along from day 1 till it was over. And perhaps you really do still mean much to me but its just that I will just have to walk forward and stop looking behind.
Being able to let everything else to be with you, if i could do that, surely I'll be able to let go of you and gain something new. Maybe not now, but soon to come perhaps. Truth has always been something painful to listen but somehow what I hear today was just directly painful that I could finally blame myself for what happened. Tears just came down streaming like a river and cool, its stopping already. So the truth comes, it hurts, and its over. Good to know the truth.
Lets talk bout another truth that perhaps (you) may think I wasn't serious. I had always loved (you) since day 1. And perhaps this will be the one last time I would state it out. I love you. A little contradictory but I'm able to move on, eyes are finally able to set on another person instead of shutting off everyone around me. Does my heart really has the space for someone new? Perhaps perhaps, who could be the unlucky one thou. Stated this yesterday but once again it goes, I'm glad at least it happened before. =)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This gonna be the first post which is non related to the series and I think I actually lost that inspiration to write again. Well, no readers memang la tada semangat.

There are many things and incidents that takes place through out the life of every human being. In the cycle of life in the form of a human, death is what awaits us. And towards this end, every incident that happen is something to remember about. Every individual has a past in which means memories of incidents that has taken place.
Whether it is a memorable one, one that it is impossible to forget, a great one, a bad one or even unimportant ones, it is locked up inside our memory cage. There are things that has taken place in my life through out this past year and how it actually changed my life and turning it upside down. Painful memory it is, sweet memory it is and unforgettable memory it is.
A few days back, there was a comparison between two songs by Plain White T's on which made higher in the US Chart, Hey There Delilah and also 1,2,3,4. Everyone on the radio that gave response was saying that its obvious that Hey There Delilah is the one that has reached the higher level but however it turned out that 1,2,3,4 was higher. 34 to 32. Close enough. Its pretty amazing that this 2 songs were really good songs and does remind me of a lot of stuff and honestly, I knew 1,2,3,4 would had gotten higher. A cheesy yet really sweet song.
When I first checked out this song was when someone actually posted it out and saying how cute it is. And true enough, it was really cute. It was then that I actually asked was that song for me. That look on that face when she took up the guitar and sing it to my face, its irreplaceable and too valuable to describe. Moments like this perhaps would just happened once in a life time. Its kinda funny thou, 8 months after I heard this song, it finally came out on radio. And people loving it.
Just a simple song that has been played through out an eventful moment of a person's life could bring out a box full of memories whenever it is played. Amazing isn't it how a song can actually impact a person's life. Reminds of how it begins, how it grew, how it was uncertain and how it ended. Reminiscence through a song. Well this isn't a emo post. Its just saying about, memories of the past, is just something to emo on.
What I'm saying here is, whatever happened in the past has happened and it will always be reminded. But what really is important is, what am I gonna do about my life now? How am I gonna plan my moves ahead? There's a reason why are eyes placed in front and not behind. Its for us to look ahead and not backwards. Memories oh memories, let it to continue to play in my head and to bring up a smile up my face that it all happened before.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Uprising - Season 1 - Malaysia

In the year 2200, the Frenchmen have already conquered more than half of the world with only just a few countries being able to retaliate and remain in the state of independence. Well unfortunately enough, Malaysia, one of the most strategic places in south east Asia has been very much turned into a French MK Port. A international trading port for the MK's to refuel or trade goods and very much is one of the stations for the MK-03. Every single day, thousands of MK-00 flies in and out transporting goods across China to the down south while MK-01 stops by to refuel before departing to the next station.

~Terengganu-Kampung Pisang~

Ben: I can't believe that we still have to daily carry this amount of loads even thou we are having our exams. (carrying two sack of sulfur on his back)
Jee An: Haven't it been always like that ever since our father's time. Stop complaining that we could finish this faster and get our asses back to the study table.(Walking ahead Ben with to sack of sulfur too)


(In one of the classiest school for French kids)
Serene: Alright kids, that's it for today. Be careful on your way home. Remember not to talk to strangers you don't know. (School bell ringing in the back ground)
Serene: Hey, Theo, another tough day isn't it? (Bumps into Theo as she walks out the class)
Theo: Yea, at times really can't stand this brats. Just because they are the ones filling up my bowl of rice. Sighs
Serene: Well...

~Perak-Ipoh-On top of Ipoh Garden Public Bank~

Nicolas: Everybody, move out move out. If this is the real battlefield, you all would be all dead. MOVE!!! (Armed soldiers running up and down building doing a 3D training)
Soldier 1: Sir, its been hours we have been training.
Soldier 2: Can we take a break?
Nicolas: Training has been like this ever since our independence got taken away. If I could do it, so can you. Both of you, down 100. Any other objection. If not, move.
Soldiers: Yes sir!

~Johor-Taman Nanas~

Marcus: Zzzz....Zzzzz....Zzzz (dozing off)
Shaun: Wake up you idiot. Why am I the only one carrying all this loads while you sleep?
Marcus: Huh?? Huh?? Argh... I was just dreaming about her..
Shaun: I don't care who were you dreaming about. Just start carrying this bags. Nicolas needs it by Tuesday.
Marcus: Alright alright. Just stop bugging me. (Said just stop bugging me really softly)
Shaun: What did you say? You dare repeat it again?
Marcus: Nothing Nothing.
Shaun: Good! So shut up and carry all this. (shouts into Marcus face and sits down on a chair)


Abel: Why can't this work? I think I have gotten everything right. Why isn't this working? If I can't get this working by Friday, they gonna crush this house with a MK.
Grace: Are you alright? You seem really stress out. (as she walks into Abel's workroom)
Abel: Well everything will be alright. (gives Grace a warm smile signaling everything will be alright)
Grace: You want anything? I'll get it for you.
Abel: Coffee please then. Thanks.

~Wilayah-Mid Valley~

Jeremy: Everybody come and take a look! Now special promotion, buy 1 free 1. Very cheap only. Special offer. Special French Oil. Any lady smell it, straight faint. Come buy come buy.

~Ipoh-Canning Garden, Opposite La-Salle~
~Nicolas House~

Nicolas: IRENE!!!! Where is my milk? (shouting in the house while watching a hologram plan)
Irene: Here it is. You don't have to shout.(saying softly)
Nicolas: What took you so long? You know I need loads of calcium to fight a war right don't you. Be smarter next time.
Irene: Yes,sir. So is this the plan that you all gonna attack towards the French next weekend?
Nicolas: You so ke-po for what?? This is man's business. Ladies don't so ke-po. Just diam diam and watch us do the job.
Irene: But but but...
Nicolas: No buts... You, woman, so diam.
Irene: It has plenty of flaws.
Nicolas: What did you say? Didn't I just asked you to shut up? What do you know about strategies that we plot?
Irene: OI... You..enough ah. Stop it with your great man ego-ness. I'm still your sister and I'm worried about you. Fine. Do what you want. Don't want care dee. Ish (stomps and walks away)
Nicolas: Woman... sigh...(shakes head)

~Terrenganu-Kampung Pisang~
~Jee An House~

Jee An: Finally home sweet home. Gosh, that was tiring.
Ben: Swhy. Why do we need to carry those lousy stuff everyday ah? Nonsense government. (phone beeps)
(Ben takes out phone and a hologram image of Daniel came out)
Daniel: Hey Ben, I tried getting you but just couldn't reach you. I'm just wondering are you and an an gonna head down to village head's house tomorrow night. That Nicolas Chin guy from the Anti-French organization is coming down to give some sort of talk. IHF if I'm not mistaken. If you're going just lemme know k? We'll sit together. Byes?
Jee An: What was that all about? Going against the French? That's insane. But I like insane stuff. (smiles)
Ben: Well nothing wrong just going to the talk to listen to what does that Nic guy has to say.
Jee An: Yea.
Ben: Reply Daniel.
Phone: Affirmative.
Ben: Yup. We are both going. See ya there.
Phone: Message sent.

*The next day*
~Terranganu-Kampung Pisang Village Leaders House~7.00p.m.~

Uncle Joe: Thanks boys for coming early, now that everything is properly arranged we can expect the arrival from our hero of this age.
Daniel: No prob, Uncle Joe, you had always looked after us after all, but whats the big deal with this Nic fella?
Jee An: Yea, trying to turn us rebels?
Uncle Joe: My sons, there is a lot that you will never understand. What the French has done to this country before you were born. But I was there, I witnessed it all. How they threatened my family, how my sons were killed. I saw all of that. Revenge was nothing but a dream and I no longer harbor that hatred anymore either. However, the time has come, a messenger of justice and freedom has finally come, someone who is brave enough to face the French, returning our freedom, our independence and our land.
Ben: Wow. That's deep.
Jee An: And this Nic guy can actually do it?
Uncle Joe: Yes I believe he can. He showed great defense when the army tried overtaking our national treasures in Bukit Tambun. Till now it is still secured. He is a man just like everyone says he is. A true genius.
Ben: S'why. Geniuses do exist. But I don't think he is. Look at his picture. He's fat.
Daniel: Hahaha... Yea yea yea.. and thin and short people like you are the geniuses right. (grins)
Uncle Joe: Well boys, you'll see for yourself in moments to come. For now, lets be prepared to welcome our future to be Prime Minister of our land.
Ben: Right....
Jee An: Yea we should head back now to change before that dude arrives.
Daniel: Yea, see both of you later.
Ben: Shall we go too then bro? I'll just bathe at your place.
Jee An: Aite.

*half an hour*

Uncle Joe: Fellow villages, the day has come that freedom is right before our eyes and here it is the messenger that brings it. Without wasting more time, lets welcome Liutenant Nicolas Chin from Independence Our Right (IOR). (sits down while crowd claps)
Ben: Hey look, that dude is really just like us. He's only seventeen like what people been saying. Can he actually even protect a hill? Ant hill izit? (whispers)
Jee An: Listen first-lah. (whispers)
Ben: Kay Kay...
Nicolas: OK people, my fellow citizens and my proud Malaysians. Lets skip the formality and straight to my point for the day. How many years has it been since we have been in bondage? How many good soldiers have we lost to keep just a few locations just as how it was? But now everything its gonna change. I'm not saying that this war is coming to an end. But I'm saying that this is the beginning to Independence.(crowd claps)
Nicolas: I understand that many people now is afraid. You may be thinking, am I capable? Will this work? What if I die? But lemme ask you, if its not you who's gonna stand up to fight? Who will? If its not now? Then when? How many more generations must suffer this war? Can we do it? Yes, we can. We certainly can. MALAYSIA BOLEH! (crowd claps)
Nicolas: You may think that who the heck is this seventeen year old boy standing out up front here talking all this nonsense about independence. He is nothing but a kid. Lemme tell you something, I maybe young, but trust me on this, don't judge me by my appearance, I may not look like it, but I produce results. I maybe a kid, but a brilliant one. Thats only three questions I have for you today. Do you want freedom? Do you wan't Independence? Do you want peace? So what are you waiting for? The time has come. Its time to rise up and fight. Are you with me? (crowd cheers) Are you with me? Come on show some spirit. (crowd cheers even more)
Nicolas: Thank you. IOR will keep you all updated fellow malaysians. Keep up the spirit and we can do it. (steps down and his secretary quickly grab hold of him)
Janna: Sir, that was a good speech, the crowd gonna make a good team of army here. Our spy from Pinang has reported that your master has hid himself now in the International French School there.
Nicolas: Alright, thanks. Enjoy the rest of the night. Everyone is smiling, join in the laughter.
Janna: Yes sir. Enjoy yourself too.

*outside the corridor*
Jee An: Eh, if that specky fat dude can do it so can we wei.
Ben: S'why. Lets show him who's genius.
Daniel: Well lets give it a try.

~Perak-Ipoh-Chin Residence~ *the next day*

(bell rings)
Irene: Coming. (opens the door)
Irene: Who are you?
Marcus: Excuse me madam, I'm working for Sir Nicolas, is he in?
Irene: Hold on a moment, he's busy on his wife now. NICOLAS!!! SOMEONE LOOKING FOR YOU!!
Marcus: He's married?
Irene: Duh, No. His stupid guitars. Just hold on a moment. He'll open up for you. (walks back into house)
(Shaun walks towards Marcus and knock his head)
Shaun: Whats taking you so long? Doing something so simple also can't do it quickly ah? You lousy bagga.
Marcus: Sir still upstairs haven't come down.
Shaun: Who ask you so dumb don call his handphone?
Marcus: Sorry sorry, I call now.
Shaun: Call now for what. Sir coming already. So dumb.
Marcus: Sorry sorry.
Shaun: I wonder why did sir give me such a dumb assistant.
Nicolas: Come on boys, whats the hassle. (opening the side door while talking)
Shaun: Forget bout it, he just makes my blood go all boiling.
Nicolas: Hahaha, you two are suppose to help one other. Well doesn't matter. Are all the materials here yet?
Shaun: Yea, most of the stuff are already in Bukit Tambun. I checked on the MK-03s as well. Its all gonna be completed by next week. We wont only have firepower this time but also 30 MK-03 and a MK-04.
Nicolas: Good. But how many of them are trained to move a MK-03?
Shaun: Jonan reported that we have bout 25 who are ready to use an MK already. But he insisted that the MK-04's pilot, sir you would have to choose yourself.
Nicolas: Well easy to decide. I'll pilot it myself. Tell Jonan to defend the place well and just train another five pilots. I'll need both of you to be on the grounds so its best none of you pilot the MK's for now.
Marcus: Yes sir.
Shaun: Sir is telling me not you. You just listen to my orders. Go wait in the truck.
Marcus: Yes sir. (walks out the door)
Nicolas: Why are you so mean to Marcus?
Shaun: Just teaching him to be a man. A true one.
Nicolas: I guess you have your reasons.
Shaun: Surely. I'll head back to HQ now. See you tomorrow morning when we head to Pinang. (walks out)

Irene: Who are those two? That bulky big guy looks dangerous.
Nicolas: Just one of my assistants. Don't bother la you. Just stay home and watch the house.
Irene: Hmmmmm...

~Perak~Bukit Tambun (IOR HQ)~

Jonan: Finally Shaun you're back. I need to talk to you.
Shaun: Yea sure. (goes to a corner with Jonan)
Jonan: Eh, all the MK pilots are ready now. But why don't I and you pilot an MK as well? Its safer in a MK then on land. I feel so vulnerable fighting robots with my bare hands and perhaps an AK-47.
Shaun: Nic just told me that there is something he wants us to do on land. Perhaps lead our army by land. As you see now, we have only 30 MK, a leader is more than enough. While we have almost 10000 rebels with us by feet all over the country.
Jonan: Makes sense makes sense...


Spy 1: Sir, this is all the details that you needed. Through this time I have successfully pulled more than 2000 Malaysians to join in our project. The day that the revolution will take place is indeed coming nearer and nearer.
Nicolas: Good job. Its only both of us here now, you can take off your mask.
(Girl takes off mask and turns out to be Serene)
Serene: And about Master Theo, he's been behaving normally. Day in day out teaching in the French kids. Totally normal. I think he is really thinking of retiring after that incident.
Nicolas: I guess I really need to see him personally. Arrange a time for me to meet him in person privately. We need him for this project. The role he play will be irreplaceable.
Serene: Yes sir. Consider it done.
Nicolas: As expected from you. I'll await your good news. {Serene walks out)
Shaun: So how things went? As expected?
Nicolas: Yea. Just that I think my sifu don wanna join in anymore. He's not the same anymore.
Shaun: He's born to kill. Don't worry. I'm sure you gonna talk it through him
Nicolas: Hopefully. He's the only one who understands how the French thing and organize their strategies precisely enough. Even thou there is flaws its good enough.
Shaun: He'll be back in action.
(someone knocking on the door)
Serene: Sir, this might be surprising but there is someone here to see you.
(Theo walks out from behind Serene)
Theo: You look great my boy. So much more grown up from where I left you.
Nicolas: Its all for you teaching me well my master. So what brought you here today?
Theo: I heard you are in town,so just dropping by and your plan to take back the country. Is that real?
Nicolas: Yea. And master, I need you.
Theo: There will be no end in this war if we keep fighting. Only more people will die. Why increase the casualties?
Nicolas: But you used to said, justice must prevail. Whatever we do, is for the sake of justice.
Theo: So what if you won your country back. Can you free everyone in the world who is being oppressed by the French?
Nicolas: That I don't know and that I don't care. All i know now is that I love my people and my country. And I will do something about it and I wont stop till they are free.
Theo: Is that what you really are thinking?
Nicolas: Yes and for that I need you.
Theo: Sorry my boy, I have long retired for two years. Even if I want to, there's nothing I can do.
Nicolas: No. You are the only one who can strategize us by land and also by air. You are the only one who have ever piloted an MK-05 and defended the entire Singapore just by yourself.
Theo: You will have no worries bout MK-05, there's only 7 MK-05 in the world. As long the French don't send in the golden army, you will do fine.
Nicolas: What if they do? Without you on your MK-05, what can we do. And who's gonna lead the MK-03's incline with the land army? I can only do either. Offense is not defense. I only know how to defend and stay put to minor damage and retaliate.
Theo: Err...
Nicolas: Please.. I beg you please...
THeo: Lemme think about it.. (walks towards the door)
Nicolas: Don't you remember what happened in the last project. What the French did to your family?
Theo: (faces back to Nicolas with the glare) Mark my words, don't you dare mention that again in front of my face.
Nicolas: So now you lost all your guts. Just because you had some sacrifices. Whats this? Isn't all this started for justice. Then it should end for justice as well. To die or to live. Justice should be engraved in our hearts. Have you forgotten it all.
Theo: I told you I'll think about it..
Nicolas: You coward... are you too afraid now?
Theo: What the heck? Gotten all cocky huh? Well lets see what can you do.
Nicolas: Its not about me. Its about you. I need you.
Theo: sigh... this will be my one last time and lemme go in peace alright?
Nicolas: Whatever you say.

*its now a week away before the great rebellion begins when the moon hides*

~to be continued